We Know White

Let us customize your life

If you don’t see a package that truly fits your needs – please just give us a call and lets discuss what it is you truly feel you need help with. We will design a custom package that suits your needs. We are here to make life easier, more efficient, healthier and happier. Our goal is to ensure that our clients feel that weJustKnow their true needs and honestly their shortcomings so that we can be of “REAL” service.

A few examples of our We Know White (Custom) Clients:

Example #1

Client: I want to remodel 2 bedrooms b/c we are having a baby and we need a nursery and a nannies quarters. An interior designer and formal team is just too much for me to handle but I want what I want and I just don’t know where to start. I am just to tired to keep up with all the family task – organizing, kids schedules, staff, family, husband, and now remodeling a portion of our home, etc.… I need help while I am pregnant. After the baby is here – I can get back on track….

WeJustKnow: We will first get all your ideas together about your nursery vision. Figure out your budget and the rest is left to us. All you have to do is make decisions when we present options to you. You will feel the sense of accomplishment as if you did it yourself with little effort and minimal professionals to deal with personally. We are the liaison in any situation you need. We can figure out how to do it ourselves by designing and shopping and installing with our own remodel team OR we can hire professionals and limit the interaction with you by scheduling specific meetings to make key decisions and ensuring that no time is wasted. We Just Know what you need and we will get it done.

While all this is going on – we are searching and interviewing for the perfect baby nurse, doula, and nanny for the upcoming arrival. We know how important this decision is and we take special care in selecting and presenting professionals and experienced individuals for the position. We know the perfect person will come our way once we put the effort to finding her. No finding a nanny agency and hiring them and dealing with yet another separate entity to get the big picture accomplished. What’s the big picture – having ALL things ready when baby arrives and taking care of self and family seamlessly in the process?

On top of remodeling the nursery and hiring a professional to care for the baby –we are also making sure your home life is all taken care of – groceries, scheduling, dinner, dinner parties, pool parties for the kids in the summer, small weekend get away, staff coordination, personal care and appointments. We are doing it all. You just call us and let your weJustKnow client manager know what you need and we get it done and manage the outcome.

The best part about our services is the limited number of people you need to communicate with in order to get what you want and need accomplished, the trust you have when you confide in our team to execute your vision. The loyalty and highest level of confidentiality that we extend to our clients is unquestionable. Having a team of professionals that JustKnow you and understand your needs and the quality of service you expect is worth its weight in gold.

Example #2

I am so busy or I am single and I have no time to stop my stride and turn my attention to some big things I need to get done. What do I do? I need to buy a house, I want to go on vacation this summer, I really need my mom and dads house to get remodeled. I want to buy my niece a car for graduation. I really want to eat better. I am so busy I can’t do anything. I feel paralyzed and I am not getting any of these big goals accomplished and it’s making me feel like I am stuck.


WeJustKnow will hear all your frustrations, concerns, wants and needs and we will customize a package to accomplish all the things you desire in timeline that is comfortable and manageable for you.

We will plan and organize each task with precision and make every decision with the client’s approval and to client’s satisfaction. What’s awesome about or service is that you feel like you are getting things done and making all necessary decisions without any of the stress. You also have trust that your best interest is being represented and budgets are not being taken for granted. This is important!

So how do we get all these things done? Buying a new home – we find homes, we communicate with the real estate professionals, we send you links and images to potential home for review and we tour the homes for you. We get answers to all your most important questions because weJustKnow what is important to you and what you are looking for. The process is so seamless that you really can’t believe you actually bought a home, furnished it and are having your first dinner party without even feeling the pressure or the stress of the process and while all this was taking place you also enjoyed a great 2 week vacation in Bora Bora, Brazil, South Africa and didn’t miss a beat the entire time you were away.

Remodeling parents home as a gift. We coordinate with your parents and get their wishes and your intentions all lined up together so one cohesive plan of action is agreed upon and a budget is approved. We then do everything from relocating parents during the remodel to hiring and coordinate the project from A-Z. When I say weJustKnow what you need – I really mean we truly know and we get it done.

Buying car for niece graduation is a few phone calls and a few approvals away. Car is delivered with a big red bow on top like you shopped for the perfect vehicle yourself for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Done!